Setting the Standard of Objectivity in Nutritional Healthcare.
No general screening test is more efficient, effective and affordable than a comprehensive blood chemistry panel. It allows the healthcare provider to establish a baseline of biomarkers to track the health and nutritional needs of their patients. Getting a comprehensive blood test is essential to understanding a patient’s current health.
Science Based Nutrition™ is an innovative, science-based look at nutritional strengths and weaknesses through an individual’s blood test as well as other objective diagnostic tools. This objective approach can offer a clear plan for determining and monitoring nutritional recommendations.
The Difference
Most blood tests are reported using an established “Clinical Range”. If you are within this Clinical Range, you are most likely considered “normal”. This should not be confused with “healthy”.

Why not? The problem lies in how Clinical Ranges are established.
Does it make sense to compare your blood test results to averages taken from people who were already experiencing a health problem? No. That is why being simply being within the “Clinical Range” is not good enough! Being within the Clinical Range simply mean you are not yet as sick as the other people used to determine that range.
What if we look at a patient’s blood test more closely? SBN also incorporates an “Optimal” or “Healthy” range in our reports. The Optimal Range simply takes the middle 20% of the Clinical Range. It’s designed with the concept of not waiting until a patients test result is “Clinical” to consider nutritional support or lifestyle changes. The point of the Optimal Range is to “flag” tests that are heading towards Clinical. Wouldn’t you want to make minor changes now to avoid big problems later? PREVENTION: That’s the whole idea.

As a Doctor, you cannot remember everything about every test available. SBN does this for you in addition to providing over 30 years of clinical laboratory and nutritional experience. SBN enables doctors to easily and efficiently validate their diet and supplement recommendations based upon the patient’s blood work and other objective testing methods, not just a symptom survey.
Science Based Nutrition will give you access to a state of the art patented, online, computerized analysis and reporting system. This system is central server based with no software or hardware compatibility issues. This gives doctors and patients a fast, detailed, accurate, and a personalized report. Because of our automation, there’s very little data entry and turnaround time is fast! Be sure to review our Case Studies!
The Science Based Nutrition Report
ONLINE Patient Symptom Survey
Collecting patient history is simple, easy and electronic with SBN. Send your patient a HIPAA compliant personalized link to an online site where the patient documents their symptoms, medications and other pertinent patient history. Once they finish, it is electronically incorporated into their SBN report. Not only will this data be included in the report but the symptoms and side effects of medications are correlated with the patients test results!
Recommend Testing
If you are new to laboratory testing or dealing with a patient’s diagnosis you have limited experience with, SBN has a Recommended Testing feature to aid our members in determining the best tests for order for their patients. After your patient fills out their Patient Symptom Survey online, the SBN system automatically generates a Recommended Testing Report which is a list of recommended tests to order for the patient based upon their symptoms, medical history and medications. So before you start the consultation with the patient, you have the patients full history AND testing recommendations ready to go. During a consultation with a patient, the doctor can combine the Patient Symptom Survey details and the Recommended Testing report to determine what testing needs to be done. Of course, the testing can easily be modified if needed.
Summary of Primary Findings
At the beginning of the SBN report, you will find a summary of the abnormal testing findings. This is a quick reference to all of the primary problems found in the patients test results. Each of these findings will be broken down in the body of the report correlating these findings with other abnormal test results, patient symptoms, side effects of medications and will make nutritional and supplement recommendations according to the test finding all in one easy and concise patient friendly report.
Color Coded Test Results
The SBN report gives you a patient friendly visual aid documenting the patient’s laboratory results. Yellow is warning, Red is danger!, Blue is emergency!
Upon retesting, you can compare any test side by side! No flipping back and forth between lab reports PLUS there is data point that instantly tells you what’s improved and what needs a little more work! Our reports lists a total of 8 test panels of each test type (blood, hair, or urine challenge) in the report so you and your patient can see a their progress over a significant timeline. Patients get encouraged when they see progress!
Lifestyle & Dietary Recommendations
The SBN report will make recommendations that start with a foundational whole foods diet, exercise and fluid intake goals. The reports will further expand dietary recommendations with more specificity as dictated by the patient’s test results.
We realize there are many disagreements in the nutritional field. This is why SBN allows each doctor to create their own dietary, exercise and fluid intake recommendations based upon their experiences and education.
Individualized Supplement Recommendations
At the end of the SBN report, you’ll find a summary of all of the supplement recommendations. These supplement recommendations are customized based upon the patient’s test results, gender, weight and severity of condition.
For more information on discounted lab pricing, educational seminars, and informational videos follow the link below!

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