Many problems are identified in the blood long before you actually experience symptoms. Certain tests when read properly, will indicate that you are progressing towards a serious illness, such as cancer, diabetes, liver, heart, or many other diseases. Beginning with a comprehensive blood test, Science Based Nutrition™ trained health professionals perform an in-depth analysis of your total system. Problem areas are identified and carefully documented with major and minor conditions that may lead to serious illness.
Sometimes, an individual case may call for specialized testing, such as tissue mineral analysis, food allergy, or other testing in order to identify other problem areas. When all of the test results are in, your Science Based Nutrition™ trained health professional will provide a personalized report. These reports contain a hard copy of all of your test results, an explanation of what these tests mean, and a complete list of the nutrients, vitamins, dietary requirements and other lifestyle changes necessary to start your journey back to health!