Doctors Thoughts
By Dr. Van D Merkle DC, DABCI, DCBCN, CCN
Nutrition Help • Blood Chemistry • Office Tips • and more!
The SBN Daily 8
Patients will find pre-packaged AM and PM regimens that will include vitamins B12, C, Ca, D, E, K, magnesium, mineral support, a comprehensive multivitamin, and much more! Start your holiday season and new year off right with the SBN Daily 8!
December 23, 2019

Signs and Symptoms
Close observation of a patient may assist in discovering underlying problems. Are you frequently sick? Do you bruise easily or heal slowly? Chronic skin problems? Do you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis? These can often be a sign of an internal problem that needs to be addressed!
September 20, 2019
What can happen when a patient starts taking several medications at the same time? What can happen if a patient suffering from depression among other things, is prescribed a medication that includes depression as a side effect?
September 19, 2019
Kidney Transplants and Kidney Disease
Why is the United States discarding so many donated kidney’s while the need for a donated kidney is so high? Why is kidney disease so high? Dr. Merkle reviews this topic and presents his opinion on what is going on and why it might be happening.
Original Article can be found here:
September 18, 2019
Type 1 Diabetes Narrowly Missed in an 11 Year Old Girl
When this patient came to see one of our SBN members she was showing Ketones in the urine of 3.00! Upon discovering this, a C-Peptide was immediately ordered. This young lady’s C-Peptide level was at 0.50 NG/ML which is critically low! The high Ketones and low C-Peptide indicated that she was a very short time away from becoming Insulin dependent. After 2 weeks of following our program she was retested. Let’s find out what happened next!
August 22nd, 2019
Lupus, Sjogren’s, CFS, GERD in a 33 Year Old Female
In this video we discuss a 33 year old woman spent a large portion of 2018 in the hospital for several conditions. By her labs, it’s evident that she is in a lot of pain and is on 12 medications at such a young age! What testing should be done for a patient in her condition? Let’s find out!
August 19th, 2019
11 Year Old With Severe Abdominal Pain
One of our SBN members had an interesting case with an 11 year old who was experiencing pain in her stomach. After running a comprehensive panel several important things were found. What can be done to help this young girl?
August 15th, 2019
Stage 4 Kidney Cancer Update
We have an update on the kidney cancer case!
A patient recently went to her medical doctor who informed her that she has lung cancer. Under further investigation they found out that the lung cancer came from her kidney’s. The kidney cancer had metastasized to the lungs so the patient had stage 4 kidney cancer before she knew she had anything!
August 12th, 2019
Stage 4 Kidney Cancer
A patient recently went to her medical doctor who informed her that she has lung cancer. Under further investigation they found out that the lung cancer came from her kidney’s. The kidney cancer had metastasized to the lungs so the patient had stage 4 kidney cancer before she knew she had anything!
July 30, 2019
Improving Allergies Naturally
Allergy season hits some harder than others and if you are one of the latter, this video is for you! Let’s hear what Dr. Merkle does to reduce his allergy symptoms!
July 18, 2019

Insulin – Can a person get off of it?
Can a person ever get off of Insulin? How do we check to see if the pancreas is making insulin or not?
June 25, 2019

Consider the Possibilities with SBN Video 2
Proper testing and nutritional protocols can be life changers! In this video Dr. Merkle discusses: hepatitis C, severe liver problems and liver cancer, low testosterone, Parkinson’s, osteopetrosis, Crohn’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and Ulcerative Colitis.
June 21, 2019
Consider the Possibilites with SBN
We’ve helped patients with low testosterone, TBI, kidney failure, and blocked arteries. We’ve helped patients get off bio identical hormones safely and naturally and much, much more. Did you know, you only need 20% kidney function left to be symptom free. This is why yearly blood testing can be crucial.
Let us show you some of what SBN can do for patients with proper testing and protocols!
June 10, 2019
The Thyroid and Elevated TSH
Low thyroid function can be caused by many factors. What happens when your thyroid isn’t functioning correctly? What do you check or test for? Sometimes it’s difficult to determine and retesting can be key, particularly when a patient is on Synthroid.
June 6, 2019
The 2019 Spring Logan Symposium
Sometimes it’s great to catch up with old friends, meet the upcoming generation of young people and share our experiences with everyone! Today, Dr. Merkle walks us through his recent time spent at the spring symposium and Logan University.
June 4, 2019

UA Dipsticks – Don’t Go Cheap!
There are differences between a cheap UA dipstick and a quality UA dipsticks. We compared the cheap dipstick to the quality dipstick and found that the cheap UA dipstick couldn’t detect high leukocytes! Let’s take 3 minutes and talk about it!
May 28, 2019
Magnesium and Malic Acid
Today we briefly explore a case of a child with symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s. Several close family members in this boys family have Parkinson’s so closely monitoring this boy is crucial.
May 2, 2019

Tardive Dyskinesia
Today we briefly explore a case of a child with symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s. Several close family members in this boys family have Parkinson’s so closely monitoring this boy is crucial.
April 17, 2019
Blood Clotting and Thrombophilia
Thrombophilia is when blood clots easily and quickly and varies in severity from mild to severe. Specifically we’re discussing the prothrombin 20210 mutation. While this is a genetic disorder, why does it effect some people later in life than others? Is it genetics causing this to trigger in some patients or could it be the environment? What can SBN members do to help those with this condition?
March 21, 2019
Liver Disease
Just a quick word on liver disease. A patient was told they would need a liver transplant, comes to see an SBN member and in 2 months, no longer need the transplant! Incredible!
February 26, 2019
What can we do for lymphoma patients? With proper testing, diets and protocols an amazing turn around can occur! Listen to what Dr. Merkle has to say about lymophoma by listening to the newest blog entry now!
February 12, 2019
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Anklyosing Spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritic condition that reduces flexibility and often causes pain in the spine or around the ligaments and tendons sometimes in joints. With proper nutrition and a trained SBN health professional, symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis can be reduced.
One of the most important questions you should be asking yourself is, when did the problem start and what kind of testing is being done? The best way to get to the bottom of health problems is through proper testing, and that’s what we do! Today, Dr. Merkle explains a very fascinating case he has had with ankylosing spondylitis.
January 4, 2019